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Digital Media Appointments: Home

Digital Media Appointments

Digital Media Appointments (DMAs) allow you to connect with a member of the Sandbox team for support with a digital media project. Through DMAs, you can troubleshoot, brainstorm, or seek advice on a digital media project or assignment (i.e., infographics, videos, websites, presentation slides, podcasts, 3D printing, generative AI).

What type of support can I get during my appointment?

  • Guidance for creating, editing, and sharing digital media projects

  • Troubleshooting assistance for select digital media tools

  • Recommendations for digital media software or apps

  • Suggestions for finding free music, pictures, graphics, or videos for assignments


Unfortunately, we can't:

  • Create or edit digital media content for you

  • Critique, evaluate, review, or grade digital media projects

  • Install or remove software from your computer


Click Here to Request a Digital Media Appointment

What Options Are There For Support?

We can offer support by email, online through a scheduled one-on-one Zoom meeting, or in person.  Appointments can be booked for up to 30 minutes per meeting, for up to three appointments a week. Please indicate on the request form what type of support works best for you.

When Are Sandbox Staff Available?

Our Sandbox team works Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm EST, except for holidays. Our studio hours for in-person support vary by campus and day

What Are Examples of Software/Apps the Sandbox Supports?

Some examples of software/apps we support include:

  • Adobe Express
  • Canva
  • Google Sites
  • PowerPoint
  • Copilot 

Other software may be available for support by request. We will aim to connect you to other resources if we cannot support a tool directly.