The Seneca Libraries Zine Collection is located in the stacks of Seneca@York library. The Zines do not circulate but patrons are free to browse at their leisure and to use the Zines in the Library. The Zine Collection is a joint effort between School of Creative Arts and Animation, the Illustration program and Seneca Libraries. Thanks to Seneca faculty members Martha Newbigging and JoAnn Purcell for championing this collection. And thank you to OCADU Libraries for sharing their great Zine cataloguing materials.
Zines is short for magazines or fanzines. Zines are self-published, independent works that are motivated by self-expression. They are usually created as a limited run and are not-for profit. The history of Zines is rooted in alternative culture and readers will often find topics and illustrations that give a voice to themes and politics that are out of the main-stream.
The Zines @Seneca are organized into browsable categories. Our collection is located at the Seneca@York Library. Come and browse our Zines! The browsing categories are:
Art / Comics / Identity / Information / DIY / Music / Photography / Poetry / Perzine / Political / Seneca (Zines by Seneca students!) / Stories / Sex + Sexuality
Seneca Libraries welcomes Zine donations! The donation agreement below outlines what it means to donate to Seneca and how the zine will be treated in our collection. You can drop off your Zine with the Donation Agreement at the library front desk, OR contact Chris Thomas, Creative Arts and Animation Librarian:
Rob Ford