Searching in an encyclopedic source, like the Britannica Online, is a quick way to search for biographies of famous people, prominent business executives, and other well-known people. To search for biographies in Britannica Online, sign in to the database using the link below, then search for the name of the person you're researching.
(Encyclopaedia Britannica) Online access to the Encyclopaedia Britannica as well as Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, a world atlas, a world factbook of statistics, and a country comparator.
Library Search is a tool for searching many databases simultaneously. Library Search can be used to find books and articles mentioning a person, as well as encyclopedia or biographical resources. Encyclopedias often provide brief biographies of well-known people. Watch this video to learn how to find results from encyclopedias and other reference sources:
1. Search for the name of the person in the Library Search box
2. Filter by Content / Material Type to Reference Entries. Limiting to Reference Entries will return results from biographical sources, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.