(GlobalData) Provides access to a comprehensive collection of business information on over 200 countries and 22 industry sectors. It contains in-depth information on over 890000 public and private companies, market data for consumer products, and news feeds. Search tip: Using the ‘Countries’ tab, browse by region and select a country of interest to find its profile.
(ProQuest) All-in-one business research platform from ProQuest: e-books, journal articles, videos, SWOT analyses, company reports, industry reports, country reports, J.P. Morgan Research, and more.
(Euromonitor International) Provides access to global market analysis with comprehensive coverage of industries, countries and consumer trends. Search tip: Click on the Economies or Consumers tabs and then use the Search Analysis box to select a topic (such as households, income and expenditure, lifestyles, etc.) and geography.
(Statista, Inc.) Statistical data and analysis of business, industry, product brands, market share, media, and social scientific topics, obtained from both private and public sector sources, and covering all regions of the world. Search tip: Search for the country name, or click Insights -> Explore Consumer Insights to view data about consumers in a selected country.
(EBSCO) Provides access to one of the industry's most used business research databases of magazines, journals, newspapers, reports, profiles, case studies, books and trade publications. Search tip: Type the name of the country into the search box. Under 'Publication Type', tick the box to limit the search to 'Country Report'. Reports include geographical, political, economic, corporate & environmental information on individual countries.
(World Trade Press) Guides to doing business in 100 different countries, with special emphasis on trade and logistics. Search tip: Select a country from the 'Country Business Guides' menu to view the report.
(ProQuest) Contains reports on 202 countries and cultures, focusing on 25 categories including history, personal appearance, gestures, family, recipes, economy, and more.
(Encyclopaedia Britannica) Online access to the Encyclopdia Britannica as well as Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, the Britannica Year in Review, a World Atlas, and a country comparator.
The World Factbook provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.