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Fake News: Artificial Intelligence

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), Misinformation, & Disinformation

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) refers to "a category of artificial intelligence algorithms that generate new outputs based on the data they have been trained on. Unlike traditional AI systems that are designed to recognize patterns and make predictions, generative AI creates new content in the form of images, text, audio, and more" (World Economic Forum). The quality of content generated by AI tools rely on the credibility and accuracy of its training data. As a result, generative AI tools can produce content that may contain false, inaccurate, or biased information. This technology, if placed in the wrong hands, has "the potential to reshape industries, but the speed, power and creativity also yield new opportunities for anyone willing to use lies and propaganda to further their own ends" (Klepper).   

Visual Content Generated by AI

The ability of generative AI tools to create realistic and convincing visuals can make it easy to intentionally or unintentionally spread misinformation. Some fake visuals are made for entertainment or to go viral (such as the infamous "Balenciaga Pope"). However, others can use these tools maliciously to create harmful content (such as the fake explicit images of Taylor Swift), or spread propaganda or false information (such as the falsified photo of an explosion at the Pentagon). These AI tools are accessible to almost anyone, making it difficult to trace the source of an image. As we encounter more AI-generated visual content online, it’s important to carefully assess their accuracy and authenticity and to maker sure that we're not spreading misinformation.


Deepfakes refer to "a specific kind of synthetic media where a person in an image or video is swapped with another person's likeness" (Somers). When used maliciously, this technology can spread misinformation by misleading or deceiving the public into believing certain videos, images, or audio are real.