Type in the topic, person or place that you need information on. For example:
employee recruitment
If you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, add more descriptive terms.
Start with: safety
More precise: workplace safety construction
Even more precise: workplace safety construction canada
Try searching for information using specific terms that are unique to your discipline (for instance, keywords found in your textbook).
Not ideal: rules about employing people in Ontario
Better: Employment Standards Act
Not ideal: what are some tips for improving safety of employees?
Better: improving employee safety
Search for an exact phrase with the use of quotes (“).
“job interviews”
will find results with that phrase.
This may make it easier to organize your search.
Hiring OR Recruiting
will return items that contain either term. Don’t forget to capitalize OR.
The asterisk (*) will match zero or more characters at the end of a word. For example:
will find mentions of Canada, Canadians, Canadian.