Site allows you to search Canadian and U.S. trade by product and industry: imports, exports and trade balances. Can generate customized reports on Canadian and U.S. trade in goods with over 200 countries.
Canada's primary source of information on Canadian trade policy. Includes information on Canada's current Free trade agreements as well as ongong trade agreement negotiations
The trade and Investment series presents profiles of Canada's trade and investment relationships with the world, select countries, provinces, and states of the USA.
(Knotia Canada) Information for importers and customs brokers: relevant legislation, the complete Customs Tariff and schedules, administrative materials, case law and findings by Canadian courts and tribunals, selected US and international materials such as NAFTA legislation and US tariff and customs rulings, as well as the Compendium of Classification Opinions and the Harmonized System Explanatory Notes issued by the World Customs Organization. Includes TaxMatters@EY and Commodity Tax News newsletters.
Site allows you to search Canadian and U.S. trade by product and industry: imports, exports and trade balances. Can generate customized reports on Canadian and U.S. trade in goods with over 200 countries.
(Migra International) Information for exporters, shippers, and logisticians on exporting from Canada to different countries, including regulatory and documentation requirements, definitions of terms, and international contact information.
Government of Ontario website, provides export programs and services to assist Ontario companies succeed in international markets. Export guide, trade fact sheets, key export market profiles, and more.
Site allows you to search Canadian and U.S. trade by product and industry: imports, exports and trade balances. Can generate customized reports on Canadian and U.S. trade in goods with over 200 countries.