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Persistent URLs: Home

Persistent Links

General Information

Seneca Libraries offers access to a large library of online resources such as full-text online periodicals, e-books, and streamed videos. Although copying for class distribution is occasionally allowed (please check with the copyright staff at, sharing files through email is generally forbidden. However, sharing hyperlinks to files is permitted and encouraged. The manuals below will provide you with the necessary information to create persistent links.

Persistent links provide an advantage over the standard copy-and-paste web browser address bar links because they are stable or “persistent” over time. Web browser address links are often search-session-specific and become non-functional in a short period of time.

You can create direct links to a variety of online content such as:

  1. Full-text articles and citations from newspapers, magazines, journals or reference works
  2. Periodical titles (title level access to journals, magazines, newspapers)
  3. Full-text books
  4. Streamed videos in some of our video databases
  5. User-defined searches (a link that launches a pre-defined search which retrieves “fresh hits” each time it is clicked)
  6. Specific databases
  7. Library system records (direct links to holdings information for items held in Seneca Libraries)

Your starting point is Seneca Libraries at From there, you can access a complete list of databases through “Databases”.


Instructions to Obtain Persistent Links


If all you need is Seneca Libraries' EZproxy prefix, it is:

However, please note that it is not always possible to create a durable link simply by adding that before any URL from a database. Some databases have more specific requirements, detailed below.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are working within Learn@Seneca (i.e., Blackboard), you MUST use the "Add URL" function to embed a persistent link into your Course Page. If you just paste the link into the description of an item, the link may not work.

ACM Digital Library
Audio Cine Films

Bloomsbury Fashion Central

  • Berg Fashion Library
  • Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases
  • Fairchild Books Library
Britannica Academic
Can-Core Academic Video
Canada Commons
CRC ENGnetBASE (Taylor & Francis)
Criterion on Demand
CSA OnDemand
Databases (Persistent Links to databases)
DSM Library
Ebook Central
EBSCO Databases
EBSCO eBook Collection
Emerald eJournals Premier
Engineering Case Studies Online


Europa World
Films on Demand
Frontier Life
Gale "InfoTrac" Databases
Gale "in Context" Databases
GDC Vault
GlobalData Explorer
IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL)
Informit Indigenous Collection
Irwin Law Books Archive via vLex
Law360 Canada (formerly Lawyer's Daily)
Lexis Advance Quicklaw
Library Search (Seneca Libraries)
LinkedIn Learning (formerly
LWW Health Library: Made Incredibly Easy!
MarketLine Advantage Academic
Mintel Reports


Nexis Uni
Open Access Articles
Oxford Reference
ProQuest Databases
Publication Titles (Journals, Magazines)
QP Briefing
Reuters Newsfilm for Education
Safari Books Online (a.k.a. O'Reilly for Higher Education)
SAGE Business Cases
SAGE Journals
Skillsoft Books (formerly known as Books24x7)
Springer Nature Link Journals
Taylor & Francis Journals
Techstreet Enterprise
Wiley Online Library Journals
Women's Wear Daily (WWD)