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Alerts, RSS Feeds, and Social Media: Facebook

What is Facebook?

facebook logoFacebook is one of the most popular social platforms, one that enables sharing and conversations. It excels at connecting people at a local and global scale. Facebook was initially used as a platform to keep in touch with friends and family, but the addition of public Pages, and public/private Groups, has made it appealing to professionals and enthusiasts worldwide. 

You can do the following on Facebook:

  1. Write/share a post (text, image, video)
  2. Comment on a post
  3. React to a post (read about this recent addition)
  4. Communicate in real time using Facebook Chat/Messenger

Additional Reads

Illustrated Story of Facebook

Watch this video on YouTube:

The Difference Between a Group and a Page


Facebook for Professional Development

facebook groups iconYou can join Facebook Groups to keep in touch with your professional network, exchange ideas, resources, and engage in conversations specific to the interests of that group. Groups can be public, private or secret.

Public groups are open to anyone with a FB account. Users can request to join a private group or be invited by its administrator. Secret groups can be joined by invitation only.

Content shared by public group members can be seen by anyone, while private/secret groups' posts are only visible to members of that group. 

Facebook Groups

Don't know which Facebook Groups to join? Here are a few Seneca specific ideas.

Facebook Statistics

silhouettes holding hands in circle around facebook logo

1.59 billion monthly active users worldwide
1.4 billion people login on a daily basis
► 934 million people login daily from their mobile device

Source: Facebook Q4 2015 Results