What is Plagiarism?
To prevent plagiarism you should always cite your sources. For information on how to cite, visit:
Types of Plagiarism:
Plagiarism is one type of Academic Integrity offence. Others include: Cheating, Falsification, Impersonation, Contract Cheating, and Inappropriate Collaboration.
What is Academic Integrity?
As cited in Seneca Polytechnic's Academic Integrity Policy
Seneca Polytechnic Resources:
►Complete the Integrity in Action, Plagiarism & Citation, and/or Integrity Matters modules in order to earn Academic Integrity badges.
►For information about earning badges, contact academicintegrity@senecapolytechnic.ca
►Read through Seneca Polytechnic's Academic Integrity Policy.
Other Relevant Links:
Image Credits from "Types of Plagiarism": nothing by Marie Van den Broeck from the Noun Project; Quote by Yoshi from the Noun Project; copy by Wouter Buning from the Noun Project; Recycle by Loren Klein from the Noun Project; Ghost by DinosoftLab from the Noun Project | From "College Resources": Badge by Iconsparty from the Noun Project; Policies by Justin Blake from the Noun Project