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Office Administration


OPR112 (Summer 2024)


To get started today, open the Seneca Libraries website.  Once at the Seneca Libraries website:

  1. Click Subject Guides
  2. Click Law
  3. Click Course Guides (bottom of left column)
  4. Click OPR112 (Summer 2024)



  1. Find the Law subject guide
  2. Find the OPR112 course guide
  3. Find useful guides and services at Seneca Libraries
  4. Brainstorm a topic for searching
  5. Find resources at Seneca Libraries
  6. MLA Citation Basics

Why Have A Library Session?

AskUs Service

Guides and Services @ Seneca Libraries

Seneca Libraries website

  1. Subject Guides (eg. Business Communication)
  2. Seneca Sandbox for digital media creation
  3. Assignment Planner
  4. Getting assistance (Live chat / Research appointment / Reach out to me directly)

Search Strategies #1: Brainstorming Ideas / Activity


Simple put, brainstorming is a technique used to generate ideas.  This can used to find additional terminology (words, phrases, related topics, etc.), which can improve your searching.  

Example: Facial expressions

  1. Think broadly or generally. 
    • Non-verbal communication
  2. Think narrowly or specifically
    • eye-rolling

What % of Seneca Libraries collections is electronic?

Finding Information and Inspiration

Search the Library

  • For example try terms like:
    • office administration, business communication, business etiquette, administrative professional, administrative assistant, executive assistants, office managers

Specialized Databases (Databases A-Z)

  • Change "All Subjects" to "Health Sciences"

Journals & Magazines


  • LinkedIn Learning


Citing and Writing

Useful Guides

  1. Academic Integrity and Citation Tools
    • MLA
  2. The Learning Portal - Writing & Communication

In Review

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