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Key Information Literacy Skills in Library Instruction



This guide provides an outline of key IL skills* that Seneca Libraries librarians and technicians may teach students in synchronous workshops and asynchronous information literacy materials.

What's in this guide?

  • IL skills categorized and broadly rated as beginner or more advanced
  • Sample slides showcasing skills, which library staff may adopt or adapt as they see fit (the slides were created assuming the library staff member will add more to the slide deck that fits the specific class and research assignment being supported)
  • A Leganto list for staff to review for inspiration, which showcases various guides and tutorials created by Seneca Libraries as well as from non-Seneca Libraries sources that focus on the key IL skills

How can I use this guide?

  • As an extension of training material provided for IL staff
  • For librarians and technicians to work together to build slide decks and plan IL workshops
  • For faculty to review and understand IL workshops (a complement to this faculty resource
  • As a "skills menu" for IL staff to send to faculty for faculty to choose which skills they'd like taught in the IL workshops

Please note this guide and list of IL skills are not prescriptive and are offered only for consideration and support of Seneca Libraries IL staff.

Looking to book a library workshop?


Please find your library contact here