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Leganto Overview for Faculty at Seneca

Seneca Libraries will archive a Leganto course resource list under the following conditions:

  1. One of the list owners has requested archiving the list through their liaison librarian or via
  2. The list is linked to courses that were taught four semesters ago or more.
  3. The list has been rolled over more than three times.

Faculty and librarians owners may view or restore their archived lists from Leganto (see the instructions below).

Note: Any Leganto lists with 0 items are deleted after 2 years of inactivity and not archived.

Access Your Archived Lists

To view your archived lists page:

1. Select the Filter icon.

2. Select the Archived button under the Publication Status heading.


To unarchive a list:

1. On the Archived lists page, unarchive a list by selecting Unarchive on the far right hand side of a list title.