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Photos, Image Collections, Textures

Image Search Engines

Image and Media Generators

Generative Artificial Intelligence can help to produce images and media in response to prompts. Below you will find a list of image generators. For more information on using, evaluating, and citing AI tools, see our Generative AI Guide

Adapted from "Generative Artificial Intelligence: Using Generative AI Tools" by UC San Diego: 

Royalty Free Image Databases

Smithsonian Open Access

Using Internet Images

Many internet images can be used for educational purposes according to the new Fair Dealing guidelines. Check out our advice for using internet images for students and faculty.

You can copy and paste or link to Publicly Available Material (PAM) from the internet as long as it is for educational purposes and you follow the conditions below. It is your responsibility to know the terms of use for the material.


  • you have to cite the material
  • you can’t use the material if there is a lock on the website, like a password preventing the general public from accessing it
  • you can’t use the material if there is a “clearly visible notice” saying you cannot use the material and has to be more than merely a copyright symbol “©”
  • you can’t use the material if you know (or can logically guess) it was posted online without the consent of the copyright owner

Adapted from Copyright for Seneca Polytechnic Students

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.