Works Cited List Citation |
Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. "Title of Page." AtoZ International Business, Year of Publication.
Williamson, Jennifer. "Country Business Guides: Canada: The Business Experience." AtoZ International Business, 2025. |
In-Text Citation |
Required elements: Author last name, page number (if given)
Parenthetical style example (Williamson) Note: This report has no page numbers so this information is left out of the in-text citation.
Narrative style example Williamson states that "insert quote here". |
Works Cited List Citation |
Title of Report. Name of Company that Published the Report, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers. Business Source Premier.
Aerospace and Defense in Canada. MarketLine, 17 Nov. 2018, pp. 1-36. Business Source Premier. Note: Reports found in Business Source Premier will say they are published either by Datamonitor or MarketLine. View the full report to confirm. |
In-Text Citation |
(Title of Report Page Number) Note: If the source has a long title, you may shorten it in your in-text citation by using the first word/phrase from the title.
Example (Aerospace 14) |
Works Cited List Citation |
"Name of Media." CARDOnline Lite, Rogers Digital Media, Date of Publication.
"" CARDOnline Lite, Rogers Digital Media, 2016. |
In-Text Citation |
("Name of Media")
Example ("") |
Works Cited List Citation |
Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. "Title of Report." Gartner, Date of Publication, Page Numbers.
Burke, Brian et al. "Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2021." Gartner, 19 Oct. 2020, pp. 1-36. |
In-Text Citation |
Required elements: Author last name, page number (if given)
Parenthetical style example (Burke et al. 32)
Narrative style example Burke et al. state that "insert quote here" (32). |
Works Cited List Citation |
"Title of Report." GlobalData Explorer, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers.
"Canada Meat Substitutes: Market Assessment and Forecasts to 2026." GlobalData Explorer, Sept. 2022, pp. 1-74. |
In-Text Citation |
("Title of Report" Page Number) Note: If the source has a long title, you may shorten it in your in-text citation by using the first word/phrase from the title.
Example ("Canada Meat Substitutes" 17) |
Works Cited List Citation |
Author's Last Name, First Name. Title of Report. IBISWorld, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers. IBISWorld. PDF download.
Ross, Olivia. IBISWorld Industry Report 51211CA: Movie, TV & Video Production in Canada. IBISWorld, Apr. 2019, pp. 1-34. IBISWorld. PDF download. |
In-Text Citation |
Required elements: Author last name, page number (if given) Note: See the PDF version of the report for page numbers.
Parenthetical style example (Ross 14)
Narrative style example Ross states that "insert quote here" (14). |
Works Cited List Citation |
Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. "Title of Report." Mintel, Date of Publication.
Wong-Li, Carol. "Marketing to Millennials - Canada - January 2016." Mintel, Jan. 2016. |
In-Text Citation |
Required elements: Author last name, page number (if given)
Parenthetical style example (Wong-Li) Note: This report has no page numbers so this information is left out of the in-text citation.
Narrative style example Wong-Li states that "insert quote here". |
Works Cited List Citation |
"Title of Report." Nexis Uni, Date of Publication.
"Nestle S. A." Nexis Uni, 2016. |
In-Text Citation |
("Title of Report")
Example ("Nestle S. A.") |
Works Cited List Citation |
"Title of Report." Passport GMID, Euromonitor International, Date of Publication.
"Beer in Canada." Passport GMID, Euromonitor International, 30 June 2015. |
In-Text Citation |
("Title of Report") Note: If the source has a long title, you may shorten it in your in-text citation by using the first word/phrase from the title.
Example ("Beer")
Works Cited List Citation |
Description of information. Passport GMID, Euromonitor International, Date of Publication.
Market sizes of alcoholic drinks in North America. Passport GMID, Euromonitor International, 2016. |
In-Text Citation |
(Description of Information) Note: If the description is long, you may shorten it in your in-text citation by using the first word/phrase of the description.
Example (Market sizes)
Works Cited List Citation |
"Name of Company." Scott's Directories - National Business, Date of Publication.
"Better Bitters." Scott's Directories - National Business, 2022. |
In-Text Citation |
("Name of Company")
Example ("Better Bitters") |
Works Cited List Citation |
Author's Last Name, First Name or Group Name. "Title of Report or Chart." Statista, Date of Publication.
Gaon Music Chart. "K-pop Group Music Album Sales Share South Korea 2019." Statista, Aug. 20, 2020. |
In-Text Citation |
(Author's Last Name or Group Name Page Number)
Example (Gaon Music Chart) Note: This source has no page numbers so this information is left out of the in-text citation.
Note: Describe the Global Consumer Survey table you are citing so that you direct your reader to the information. Consider including survey item, country / territory, and year.
Reference List Citation |
Description of information. Statista, Year.
Example Attitudes towards online shopping in Canada. Statista, Year. |
In-Text Citation |
(Description of Information)
(Attitudes towards online shopping) |
Works Cited List Citation |
Description of information. Vivintel, Year. Note: Describe the Vivintel table you are citing so that your direct your reader to the information. Consider including product type, frequency, and demographics. For Year, use the time period indicated on the Vivintel table. Try downloading the Excel version of your data if you're unable to see the time period.
Potato chips - personally ate in the past 6 months for all respondents 14+ in Ontario. Vivintel, 2018. |
In-Text Citation |
(Description of Information) Note: If the description is long, you may shorten it in your in-text citation by using the first word/phrase of the description.
Example (Potato chips)
Works Cited List Citation |
Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. "Title of Report or Article." WARC, Date of Publication.
Feldwick, Oliver. "The Era of Fragmentation." WARC, Jan. 2022. |
In-Text Citation |
Required elements: Author last name, page number (if given)
Parenthetical style example (Feldwick) Note: This report has no page numbers so this information is left out of the in-text citation.
Narrative style example Feldwick states that "insert quote here".
Works Cited List Citation |
Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. "Title of Report." WGSN, Date of Publication, pp. Page Numbers.
Hudson, Ella. "Pretty Embellishment." WGSN, 15 June 2016, pp. 1-7. |
In-Text Citation |
Required elements: Author last name, page number (if given)
Parenthetical style example (Hudson 6)
Narrative style example Hudson states that "insert quote here" (6). |