If you are only citing information from an image, infographic, chart, table, or graph:
Reproducing happens when you copy or recreate an image, infographic, table, graph, or chart that is not your original creation. If you reproduce one of these works in your assignment, you must create a note (or "caption") underneath the photo, image, chart, graph, or table to show where you found it. If you do not refer to it anywhere else in your assignment, you do not have to include the citation for this source in a Works Cited list.
If you are recreating visual material from a library database:
Fig. 2. Pauline Cheung. "Short Skirt S/S/ 15 China Womenswear Commercial Update." WGSN, 4 June 2016, p. 2. |
If you are recreating visual material from a digital archive or collection:
![]() |
Fig. 3. Department of Media Production. "Sod Turning at Finch Campus Site and Construction Progress Sign." Images from the Archives: Celebrating 50 Years of Seneca, Seneca Polytechnic, 4 June 1968, digitalrepository.senecapolytechnic.ca/s/imagesfromthearchives/item/18806. Copyright 2016, Seneca Polytechnic. |
If you are recreating visual material from a book:
![]() |
Fig. 1. Annie Green. "Yoga: Stretching Out." Sports Digest, 8 May 2006, p. 22. |
If you are including stock photos (e.g., from Flickr, Pixabay, Unsplash) or images from websites and social media:
![]() |
Fig. 3. City of Toronto. "Toronto: Union Station." Flickr, 1 June 2010, flic.kr/p/fZDBFK. CC-BY. |
If you are including a Google Map in your work:
![]() |
Fig. 1. Street Map of Seneca Polytechnic Campus. Google Maps, 2024, maps.google.com. |
If you copy or recreate a table that you found in your source:
Table 1
Variables in determining victims and aggressors
Variables | Non-aggressive victims | Aggressive victims | Non-victimized aggressors |
Mother’s affection | t = -2.69 (df = 80, p = .01) |
t = -2.16 (df = 33, p = .04) |
t = -1.94 (df = 71, p = .06) |
Father’s affection | t = -.97 (df = 73, p = .34) |
t = -1.58 (df = 31, p = .13) |
t = -3.16 (df = 69, p = .00) |
Family conflict | t = 2.03 (df = 73, p = .05) |
t = 2.12 (df = 31, p = .04) |
t = 3.38 (df = 67, p = .00) |
Family violence | t = 2.52 (df = 81, p = .01) |
t = 2.97 (df = 33, p = .01) |
t = 2.10 (df = 72, p = .04) |
Adapted from: Andrea Mohr. "Family Variables Associated With Peer Victimization." Swiss Journal of Psychology, vol. 65, no. 2, 2006, pp. 111. Gale Psychology Collection, https://doi.org/10.1024/1421-0185.65.2.107. PDF download.
If you are creating a table using information from multiple sources:
Table 1
Total downloads (in millions) of communication apps Discord, Telegram and WeChat through Apple App store and Google Play store in September 2020
App | Apple App store | Google Play store |
Discord | 4.09 | 12.53 |
Telegram | 3.09 | 17.22 |
7.37 | 27.49 |
Adapted from: Airnow. "Leading communication apps in the Google Play Store worldwide in September 2020, by number of downloads." Statista, Oct. 2020.; Airnow. "Leading social networking apps in the Apple App Store worldwide in September 2020, by number of downloads." Statista, Oct. 2020.
If you are taking and including screenshots or frame captures (e.g., still from an online film):
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Fig. 1. Screenshot of library research support guide. Seneca Libraries, "Research Support at Seneca Libraries: A Guide." Seneca Libraries, 2024, library.senecapolytechnic.ca/researchsupport. |
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Fig. 2. Still from the Lumière brothers' first film "La Sortie de l'usine Lumière à Lyon (Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory)." Auguste Lumière and Louis Lumière, "La Sortie des ouvriers de l'usine Lumière." Wikimedia, 1895, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workers_Leaving_the_Lumi%C3%A8re_Factory, in the public domain. |
Published Images
If your photograph or image is publicly accessible online, such as on a website, social media, or blog, follow the format for Stock Photos and Images from Websites.
Unpublished Images
If your photograph or image is not publicly accessible:
Fig. 1. Paper Cranes at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, photograph by author