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Library Information for Faculty

Plagiarism & Citation

Plagiarism & Citation Packages
Citation Support for Students
Citation FAQs

Academic Integrity at Seneca

Every member of the Seneca community is expected to practice and incorporate the six fundamental values of academic integrity in all aspects of their academic career:

honesty • trust • fairness • respect • responsibility • courage

As an educator, you play an important role in modeling and promoting academic integrity values for your students. One way of ensuring that your students understand the expectations at Seneca is to embed plagiarism & citation tutorials and/or packages specific to Academic Integrity in your courses.

Academic Integrity in Your Class
Seneca Libraries supports Academic Integrity by providing teaching and learning resources that introduce students to the concept of plagiarism and resources that support citing. The easiest way to prevent plagiarism and engage in a scholarly conversation is to include citations for referenced materials. (Please see the  Plagiarism guide)

Visit the Academic Integrity at Seneca for Faculty website for more resources.

How does the library help with Academic Integrity remediation? Please see this FAQ

For more information on what supports the library provides around generative AI, please see this FAQ

Citation Support for Faculty

Seneca Libraries provides guidance on citing AI-generated content in assignments. Please see our APA and MLA guides for an overview and sample citations for text and images generated by artificial intelligence.

Citation Workshops

One way of ensuring students are aware of citation guidelines is to recommend they attend an  online citation workshop.

For students that cannot attend a scheduled workshop, recorded versions of the  APA and  MLA workshops are available (Seneca login required).

  Visit the Guide to Citing Sources page for the citation workshop schedule.

Library APA and MLA Packages for Blackboard

Seneca Libraries has created packages with library resources for you to embed in your Learn@Seneca (Blackboard) courses. Our APA and MLA packages include links to tutorials, instructional videos, and short citation quizzes that are automatically graded in Grade Centre. If you decide on assigning a grade for the tutorial, students' progress will be automatically tracked in Grade Centre.

  Download Instructions for Importing Library Packages into a Learn@Seneca (Blackboard) Course for a step-by-step overview. 

  Visit the Library Packages page for the APA and MLA Plagiarism & Citation packages. 

►  (click to expand)

APA and MLA package content

Plagiarism & Citation Badge

Students may earn their Plagiarism & Citation badge by completing the Plagiarism & Citation online module. The 40-50 minute online module covers information on avoiding plagiarism and effectively citing sources. Upon successful completion of the module students may apply to earn their badge. For questions about the badge please email

Plagiarism and Citation module start page

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