If you reproduce ("insert") a figure or table in your assignment:
If you are only citing information from an image or table, see the section on Citing Information From an Image, Infographic, Chart, Table, or Graph (Not Inserting It).
Figure 3 Sign Advertising New Home of Seneca Note. From Sod turning at Finch Campus site and construction progress [Photograph], by Department of Media Production, 1968, Images from the Archives: Celebrating 50 Years of Seneca (https://digitalrepository.senecapolytechnic.ca/s/ |
Figure 2 Santa Maria dei Miracoli Church Note. A detail from the south facade, Santa Maria dei Miracoli church. From "Renaissance Art in Venice: From Tradition to Individualism," by T. Nichols, 2016, p. 66, Laurence King Publishing. Copyright 2016 by akg-images. |
Figure 3 Union Station (Toronto, Ontario) Note. From Toronto: Union Station [Photograph], by The City of Toronto, 2010, Flickr (https://flic.kr/p/fZDBFK). CC BY 2.0. |
Figure 1 Street Map of Seneca Polytechnic Newnham Campus
Note. From Google Maps, by Google (maps.app.goo.gl/GbjeHL9HYjsqJH8w8). Copyright 2024 by Google. |
Table 1
Main Roles of Primary Caffeine Metabolites
Caffeine metabolites | Roles |
Paraxanthine | Breaks down fats Increases glycerol and fat levels in blood |
Theobromine | Dilates blood vessels Increases urination, Diuretic effect |
Theophylline | Dilates airways Used in the treatment of asthma |
Note. From "Pharmacology of Caffeine and Its Effects on the Human Body," by V. S. Reddy, S. Shiva, S. Manikantan, and S. Ramakrishnan, 2024, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Reports, 10, p. 4 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmcr.2024.100138). Copyright 2024 by Elsevier B.V.
Figure 1
Screenshot of Seneca Libraries' Research Support Guide
Note. From Research Support at Seneca Libraries: A Guide, by Seneca Libraries (https://library.senecapolytechnic.ca/researchsupport). Copyright 2024 by Seneca Polytechnic.
Figure 2
Still From the Lumière Brothers' First Film "La Sortie de l'usine Lumière à Lyon (Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory)
Note. From Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory, by A. Lumière and L. Lumière, 1895, Wikimedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workers_Leaving_the_Lumi%C3%A8re_Factory). In the public domain.
Published Images
If your photograph or image is publicly accessible online, such as on a website, social media, or blog, follow the format for Image from a Website.
Unpublished Images
If you are including your original image or photo that is not publicly accessible, you do not need to cite it.
However, Seneca Libraries recommends adding a note beneath the image such as "Photograph by author" or "Image by author" to indicate that it's your own work. You do not need to include a citation in your References List.
If you are inserting your original photo or image in a digital assignment (e.g., presentation slide, infographic), see Seneca Libraries' recommendations.
Figure 1 Paper Cranes at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Note. Photograph by author. |
Begin the attribution with the word Note.
Include a short description (optional).
►"From" or "Adapted from"
If you are reusing the exact image, start the copyright attribution statement with From. If you have modified the image, start the statement with Adapted from.
►Citation Information
The format will depend on the source of your image or table. Generally, the citation information is listed in the order of title, author, publication year, and source. Please refer to the citation examples for guidance on how to list citation information in the attribution.
►Copyright Information
At the end of the attribution, include one of the following copyright statements:
Copyright year by Name of Copyright Holder.
Example: Copyright 2020 by John Wiley & Sons.
The copyright holder can be the publisher, sponsoring organization, or creator of the work. For example, the copyright holder of a journal article is the publisher of a journal, usually found at the bottom of the journal's website, next to the copyright symbol.
If applicable, include a permission statement after the copyright statement if you have requested and received permission to reuse or adapt the work. For example:
Copyright 2024 by Seneca Libraries. Reprinted with permission.
Copyright 2024 by Seneca Libraries. Adapted with permission.
In the public domain.
Creative Commons license
Example: CC BY 2.0.
This happens if you only wish to cite information from an image, infographic, chart, table, or graph and are not inserting it in your paper: