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APA Citation Guide (APA 7th Edition): Audio Materials

Audio Materials

Podcast Episode

Reference List Citation

Host's Last Name, First initial. Second Initial if Given. (Host). (Year podcast episode was aired, Month Day if given). Title of podcast episode: Subtitle if given (No. Episode Number if given) [Audio podcast episode]. In Title of podcast. Sponsoring Organization. URL of episode

Note: If you are citing a video version of a podcast, use [Video podcast episode].


Falen, J., & Bowen, L. S. (Hosts). (2022, February 3). The truth behind the boy in the picture [Audio podcast episode]. In The secret life of Canada. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

McWhorter, J. H. (Host). (2019, July 23). The Internet loves the exclamation point!! [Audio podcast episode]. In Lexicon valley. Slate.

Ridgen, R. (Host). (2024, November 4). Chrissy [Video podcast episode]. In Someone knows something. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

In-Text Citation: Quote

(Host's Last Name, Year, Timestamp for beginning of quote)


(Falen & Bowen, 2022, 2:15)

(McWhorter, 2019, 1:24)

(Ridgen, 2024, 3:17)

In-Text Citation: Paraphrase

(Host's Last Name, Year)


(Falen & Bowen, 2022)

(McWhorter, 2019)

(Ridgen, 2024)


Reference List Citation

Host's Last Name, First initial. Second Initial if Given. (Host). (Years podcast has aired). Title of podcast [Audio podcast]. Sponsoring Organization. URL of podcast website

Note: If you are citing a video version of a podcast, use [Video podcast].


Zomorodi, M. (Host). (2017-present). IRL. Firefox.

In-Text Citation: Quote

(Host's Last Name, Years)


(Zomorodi, 2017-present)

In-Text Citation: Paraphrase

(Host's Last Name, Years)


(Zomorodi, 2017-present)

Single Song/Track

Reference List Citation

Artist's Name(s). (Recording Year). Title of song/track [Song]. On Title of album if part of an album. Label(s).

Note: It's not required to include information on how the song was accessed (e.g., Spotify).


BTS. (2021). Permission to dance [Song]. Big Hit Music; Sony.

Franklin, A. (1969). The weight [Song]. On This girl's in love with you. Atlantic.

In-Text Citation: Quote

(Artist's Last Name, Recording Year, track number if applicable)


(BTS, 2021)

(Franklin, 1969, track 8)

In-Text Citation: Paraphrase

(Artist's Last Name, Recording Year)


(BTS, 2021)

(Franklin, 1969)

Full Album

Reference List Citation

Artist's Last Name, First initial. Second Initial if Given. (Recording Year). Title of album [Album recorded by Artist First Name Last Name if different from artist]. Label. (Original publication date if different from recording year)

Note: It's not required to include information on how the album was accessed (e.g., Spotify).


Eilish, Billie. (2019). When we all fall asleep, where do we go? [Album]. Darkroom; Interscope Records.

In-Text Citation: Quote

(Artist's Last Name, Copyright Year, track number)


(Eilish, 2019, track 2)

In-Text Citation: Paraphrase

(Artist's Last Name, Copyright Year)


(Eilish, 2019)

Classical Compositions

Reference List Citation

Composer's Last Name, First initial. Second Initial if Given. (Recording Year). Title of composition [Piece recorded by Artist Name]. On Title of album. Location: Label. (Original publication year if different from recording year)

Note: It's not required to include information on how the piece was accessed (e.g., Spotify).


Debussy, C. (2019). Clair de lune [Piece recorded by Lang Lang]. On Piano book. London, UK: Universal Music Group. (1905)

In-Text Citation: Quote

(Composer's Last Name, Recording Year)


(Debussy, 1905/2019)

Note: If the recording and original publication years are different, use both dates in the text citation.

In-Text Citation: Paraphrase

(Composer's Last Name, Recording Year)


(Debussy, 1905/2019)

Note: If the recording and original publication years are different, use both dates in the text citation.

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