If your source doesn't have an author, begin your citation with the title and date. Follow with the remaining citation elements required for your source. Don't use "Anonymous" unless this is what's indicated on your source.
Example: Article from a print newspaper |
Reference List Citation Get on board for train safety. (2012, June 17). Toronto Star. In-text Citation Paraphrase: ("Get on Board," 2012) Direct Quote: ("Get on Board," 2012, p. A14)
Example: Print book |
Reference List Citation Introduction to food science. (2018). ABC Press. In-text Citation Paraphrase: (Introduction to Food Science, 2018) Direct Quote: (Introduction to Food Science, 2018, p. 25)
If your source doesn't have a date, write n.d. where you would normally provide the date. For example:
Reference List Citation
Seneca Polytechnic. (n.d.). Seneca's art collection. https://www.senecapolytechnic.ca/collection/
In-text Citation
(Seneca Polytechnic, n.d.)
If you're quoting from a source without page numbers, include the location where you found the information in your in-text citation. This includes the name of section/heading (if available) and paragraph number where you found the information. Count the paragraph from the beginning of the document or section (if available).
Although not required, APA encourages including the page number when paraphrasing if it will help the reader locate the information in a long text and distinguish between the information that is coming from you and the source.
(Diabetes Canada, n.d., Move More section, para. 2)
(World Health Organization, 2020, para. 10)
(Jerrentrup et al., "Viewing Habits" section, para. 2)
Note: In the example, the full name of the heading "Viewing Habits and Influence of the House MD Seminar?" was shortened to "Viewing Habits."
If you're citing a source without a title, include a description of the work in square brackets. For example:
Reference List Citation
Vividata. (2018). [Potato chips - personally ate in the past 6 months for all respondents 14+ in Ontario]. http://library.senecapolytechnic.ca/res/vividata.html
In-text Citation
(Vividata, 2018)
If you don't have a source, consider searching for a work that supports the information you are including in your assignment or essay.
You may also cite the information as personal communication if your source is a personal interview.
Adapted from APA Style: Missing Reference Information